There are times when I feel like I live in this world which is a beautiful bubble and I like the way this world looks and feels and then I’ll meet someone completely unrelated to this world and bam, my bubble bursts and I’m left with a reality that I just find difficult to connect with.
I’ve never lived my life practically, I’ve always believed in the magical, unthinkable, and unbelievable. I have personally seen miracles happen in my life and things unfold because I believed in this magical reality. And most of the time, no one has understood it. I’ve often been questioned and met with scepticism and judgement that has always put me in a slump. I understand why people tend to get too sceptical and don’t often believe in things that to them seem impractical.
For a while, I too had become a sceptic because I had started questioning my own world and if I was walking on the right path.
But here’s something that I learned from my journey, and that is, there is nobody on this planet who will or should understand what works for you and what you should be doing.
We often put other people on a pedestal because when we try to walk on the road less travelled or not travelled at all, we are going to feel anxious, and so we feel that other people may be able to guide us better. Sometimes you meet just the right people but oftentimes you meet people who scare you even further and they unknowingly put you on a path that doesn’t work for you at all. I’ve been there and I realized that maybe I know better than them. Since I decided where I wished to go, I should choose the path that feels right to me. Even if it doesn’t make any sense to other people. As long as it makes sense to me.
It often upset me when people would brush my thoughts off as too whimsical or call me impractical. I would often feel less seen and heard when they would laugh at me or judge me for what I wanted. I remember I would spend a lot of energy trying to explain why these things were important to me and why I wanted them so intensely. Slowly I realized that I was feeling drained and I had started questioning my own wishes and desires.
It’s as simple as this, when you want to buy something that catches your eye, if you have the resources to buy it, you just buy, you don’t check with others or keep overthinking about it. You don’t worry about convincing other people that what you purchased is necessary for you. There’s no reason to. Similarly, we need to look at certain life choices that way. Instead of worrying about seeking validation from other people, we need to question our own intentions and reasons for it and stick with our decisions. Maybe it doesn’t have to be as hard as it seems, maybe we make it hard because we keep doubting our wishes and desires. Instead of looking at our own potential, we look for appreciation and praise from others, when we don’t get it, we lose faith in ourselves and we eventually fumble.
I remember having a candid conversation with a woman I’d met and she felt like sharing something that was bothering her. It was a life decision that she was unable to make and she kept saying that people wouldn’t understand and her friends didn’t seem to understand. I almost immediately asked her if this thing that she wants is so important, and if she is sure it’s going to give her joy, how does it matter what her friends think? She just stared back and told me that she hadn’t thought of it this way. She prioritized her friend's judgement over her desires and over her life choices.
In my journal, unlearn to relearn, I have this prompt that I’d like to share with you. It’s a prompt I remind myself to keep going back to and it’s honestly something I’ve applied in my life each time I feel the need to seek any kind of validation from anyone.
Sometimes we need to learn to stay a bit private. Sometimes our business is just ours. Since I believe in the power of energy and attraction, I’ve noticed that anytime I do things that I really want to do without consulting anyone first, I manage to do it really well and it usually is a success. But the more I seek advice or share, it gets uncomfortable for me.
It’s important to remember that people come with their own conditioning and beliefs and they approach certain aspects of life, whether it is their own life or yours based on that conditioning. Even if they mean the best for you, they may not always know more than you.
I’ve learned that if it means something to you, the less people know about it the better. You find it that much easier to stay in alignment with your desires and more importantly, you feel a lot more confident about them.
The important thing to remember is that you need to find a way to protect your wishes and desires because they are important to you. They are yours and they are real. It becomes your responsibility to protect what you want and find a way to stay in alignment with it.
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