Maybe being stubborn is a good thing at times. Maybe determination that moves in the right direction is not a bad thing but something that’s beautiful. There are moments in your life when the determination to keep going is often tested. The determination to stay in alignment with your vision is tested.
It’s completely okay to fall and fail. It’s okay to feel disappointed from time to time. It’s okay to go back to the patterns you’re trying to get out of. There’s always a cycle that follows. If your determination to change and grow is strong, you always find a way back to the right path. That can sometimes look like being stubborn.
Maybe your past experiences influence you to give up sooner, so you don’t experience another heartbreak. Maybe you’ve failed more times than you’ve succeeded and that frightens you. But, your determination is stronger than before. With every rejection, with every bad experience. Maybe you weren’t aware of how this worked. Maybe you were tired to notice. But your determination just kept getting stronger.
I hope you find the right direction and a path to help you use all that determination for the things that actually matter. Your determination will be tested from time to time. You will feel the pressure from time to time. Maybe that’s a good thing. This will help you stay aligned.
There is no secret formula or strategy to easily get all that you’ve wanted. It has never been easy for anyone. Only the people who have found a way to stay true to their determination and been stubborn enough to use it in the right way have always received the right guidance and path that has helped them overcome countless challenges.
Miracles happen based on your determination. Your stubborn attitude to keep at it without measuring how often you fail and how much more would you need to endure. Miracles happen when you’re in alignment with your big picture.
Thank you for being a subscriber. Hope this reminder serves you in some capacity. Hope these words help soothe you in case you need to hear them.